Pure astrology 1928 The American Federation of Astrologers is founded with the aim of disconnecting astrology from the mumbo-jumbo of magic. Simplified Scientific astrology is published by the Rosicrucian Fellowship. 1928 Reinhold Ebertin launches 'Mensch in All' a periodical devoted to new astrology techniques, and which later is renamed to Kosmobiologie. 1929 The Earth in the Heavens and The Stars: How and Where They Influence written by L. Edward Johndro are published. His background in electrical engineering reflects in his writing which is extremely precise, complex and "electromagnetic-oriented." 1930 Percival Lowell discovers Pluto. R.H. Naylor is invited by the editor of The Sunday Express to cast the horoscope of the newly born princess Margaret Rose, daughter of king George VI. He predicts future events in the Royal family which eventually come true. In another article in the same paper, he makes an accurate prediction concerning a British aircraft and becomes famous overnight. Naylor is the father of sun-sign astrology, as he was the one who invented the Sun sign newspaper column. Astrologische Farbenlehre by W. Koch is published. Koch presents a unique link between colors and astrological factors. Astrology, Your Place Among the Stars by Evangeline Adams 1931 Evangeline Adams predicts in her Monthly Forecasts that the United Sates will be involved in a great war in 1942, which proved to be amazingly accurate. Her Astrology for Everyone is another addition to her list of published books. Psychologische Farbenlehre by W. Koch is published. More humanistic-cosmo-biological psychological astrology. 1932 The Church of Light is incorporated by C.C. Zain (Elbert Benjamine) America's most prominent astrologers. Planetary Effects on The Stock Market by J.M. Langham 1933 Astrologer's Searchlight by Llewellyn George is published. Astrology: Mundane and Spiritual by S.R. Parchment 1934 Al-Biruni's Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology is translated by R. Ramsey Wright. Principles of Horoscopic Delineation by Charles E.O. Carter is released to public. .. Specialization and science 1935 Fritz Brunhubner's Pluto marks not only one of the first attempts to understand the meaning of the newly discovered planet but also the idea of devoting an entire book to astrological influence on one planet, and perhaps the era of astrological specialization. By the late 1930s, astrological forecasts are found in every major newspaper in the West. Heaven Knows What by Grant Lewi is published by the prestigious Doubleday Company. Lewi is known for emphasizing behavior-oriented astrology at a time when sensational event- oriented astrology is still in fashion. He uses and advocates only transits for predictive purposes. 1936 Astrology of Personality by Dane Rudhyar raises awareness of the new humanistic form of astrology. 1938 The Principles of Scientific Astrology by W. J. Tucker. Your Path To Success by Wynn (Sidney Kimbal Bennet). Wynn is probably the first astrologer who investigated progressions thoroughly and to conclude that they are worthless. The Friends of Astrology is formed in Chicago, which leads to the formation of the AFA, American Federation of Astrologers. The American Federation of Astrologers is established with Ernest A. Grant as its first president. It becomes the leading and most prestigious of all the astrological organizations. 1939 Llewellyn George is honored by the American Federation of Astrologers with a life-long membership. Kraft's Treatise in Astrobiology is published. His theories are based on testing charts from public records using statistical methods, replicating Choisnard's work and laying the foundation for future work by the Gauquelins. During the War, he does charts and astrological intelligence work for the Nazi regime. 1940 Reinhold Ebertin publishes Kombination der Gestirneinflusse (Combination of Stellar forces) which is to become one the most important modern textbooks of astrology. Astrology for the Millions by Lewi (William Grant Lewi) is published. In it he stresses the 'exclusive' use of transits as the only reliable system of prediction. Lewi is also editor of the prestigious Horoscope Magazine. 1941 Marc Edmund Jones Guide to Horoscope Interpretation is published by McKay. In it he presents the importance of multiple planet patterns in chart delineation. 1942 Reincarnation by Manly P. Hall is published. 1943 The Pulse of Life by Dane Rudhyar is published. 1944 Doris Chase Doane passes the 21 Brotherhood of Light courses and begins teaching classes at the Los Angeles Church of Light. She is known for writing more than 1500 articles on astrology and many books which become standard astrology references 1945 Astrological Lore of All Ages by Elbert Benjamine comes out. Astrology, How and Why it Works by Edmund Jones is published. Jones uses flamboyant language which appeals to high class astrology enthusiasts. |
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