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200 BC

Predictive astrology spreads to Rome.

150 BC

Esoteric form of astrology based on the teachings of Hermes or Thoth circulates in numerous works under such titles as: Astrologoumena, Hermaikai Diataxeis or Doctrines of Hermes, Apokotastasis, Liber Hermetis, Asklepios.

135 BC

Posidonius brings astrology to Roman intellectuals.

130 BC

Greek astronomer Hipparchus is credited for the discovering the precession of the equinoxes which was already known in Babylonia centuries earlier.

100 BC

Essenes develop Qabbalah and esoteric astrology.

60 BC

Nigidius Figulus starts first school of astrology in Rome and publishes books on astrological prediction. The Georgics of Virgil constitute astrological almanacs.

20 BC

Roman Emperor Augustus has coins stamped with his sign Capricorn.

7 BC

Three Wise Men or Magi from the East (astrologers from Chaldea or Persia) predict birth of Messiah (Jesus Christ) according to Gospels of New Testament.




Marcus Manilius writes his didactic poem 'Astronomicon' also known as 'Manilius five books on astrology', climin to be the first to do so.


Egyptian zodiac at Denderah is erected.


Astrology has prominent role in Roman literature such as in The Tragedies of Seneca and Thyestes. Fourth Roman Emperor Claudius becomes versed in astrology. In his reign, Rome is caught up in a frenzy of astrology.


Roman Emperor Hadrian, also an astrologer, casts his own horoscope and consults it regularly.


Ptolemy writes The Tetrabiblos, the most comprehensive work on astrology to date. Already aware of the precession of the equinoxes, Ptolemy cautions astrologers to use the tropical spring equinox as the start of the first zodiac sign. Other astrologers such as Hephaestion of Thebes and Julius Firmicus use it as seminal work.


Vettius Valens of Antioch, well-known astrologer amasses fine library of horoscopes and analyzes 100 in his Anthologiae.


Alexander Serverus sets up teaching posts in astrology which are subsidized by the imperial budget.


Plotinus declares that astrology indicates a possible future but does not shape it.


Library of Alexandria is destroyed with loss of many astrology texts.


Proclus writes paraphrase of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos.


Astrology declines in Europe with the Fall of the Roman Empire.


1. The Antiquity
2. The Roman period
3. The Middle Ages
4. The Renaissance
5. Enlightenment Period
6. Modern times
7. First World War
8. Second World War
9. America
10. The postwar period
11. Information society
12. Professionalism
13. Globalization



Quoted from  Astro-Charts (1999)

Opdateret 08/01/2020 - ret til ændringer forbeholdes

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