> Artikler 1962-82
> Artikler 1982-97
> Bøger
Bibl. data
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The 'Mars Effect': A French Test of Over 1,000 Sports Champions
*1996, Prometheus Books; 157p
Ertel, Suitbert and Irving, Kenneth
The Tenacious Mars Effect
*1996, Urania Books; 163+p
Nienhuys, J.W. (ed.)
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*1992, Utrecht: Skepsis
Gauquelin, Michel
Neo-Astrology - a Copernican Revolution
*1991 Arkana-Penguin
Grim, Patrick (ed.)
Philosophy of Science and the Occult, 2nd edition
*1991, Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press
Bibl. data
Gauquelin, Michel
Planetary Heredity
*1988, San Diego, ACS Publications
Gauquelin, Michel
Written in the stars
* 1988, Wellingborough, Aquarian Press
Wilson, Robert Anton
The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science
*1987, Falcon Press
Gauquelin, Michel
Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior: The Planetary Factors in Personality
*1984, Santa Fe, N.M.: Aurora Pres
Gauquelin, Michel
Birthtimes: A Scientific Investigation of the Secrets of Astrology
*1983, New York: Hill and Wang
Gauquelin, Francoise
Psychology of the Planets
*1982, San Diego, ACS Publications
CSICOP: A Crusade Gone Sour
*1980, Frontiers of Science (published by Hyneks CUFOS)
Gauquelin, Michel
The spheres of destiny
*1980, London: Dent
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Gauquelin, Michel
Dreams and illusions in astrology
*1979, Buffalo: Prometheus
Gauquelin, Michel
Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior
*1978, New York: ASI
Gauquelin, Michel
How atmospheric conditions affect your health
*1971, New York: Stein & Day
Gauquelin, Michel
Astrology and science
*1970, London: Peter Davies
Bibl. data
Gauquelin, Michel
The Scientific Basis of Astrology: Myth or Reality
*1969, New York: Stein and Day
Gauquelin, Michel
The Cosmic Clocks
*1967, London: Henry Regnery Co
Bibl. data
Gauquelin, Michel
L'Influence des Astres, Etude Critique et Experimentale
*1955, Dauphin Press