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Naturvidenskabelige artikler
om astrologi


> Kemi og fysik

> Andre naturfag


Der findes en del materiale

Indenfor det naturvidenskabelige område findes navnlig et interessant fysisk/kemiske materiale fra 1947-77. Andre fagartikler daterer sig fra 1974-90. Eftersøgning besværliggøres dog af, at elektroniske index fra før 1980 er sparsomme.eller manglende.

Hovedparten her er citeret fra

NB :Alle bibliografier er opstillet


The natural Sciences

A good deal of material on astrology is scattered throughout the academic journals. These are divided into the natural sciences and the human sciences

Within the natural sciences we find an interesting material on chemestry and physics, dating from 1947 to 1990. material on other sciences is dated 1974-90. Further investigation is hampered by the scarseness of electronically indexed data previous to 1980.

The main portion is quoted from Norwegian Sceptics plus McPhersons paper 'Astrologisk dokumentation' in Horoskopet 4/98

Note: All bibliographies are in reversed cronological order (newest first).





Opdateret 12/06/14 - ret til ændringer forbeholdes

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