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Bibl. data
McGrew, John H., McFall, Richard M.
A Scientific Inquiry Into the Validity of Astrology
Journal of Scientific Exploration, 4, 75-83 1990
Bibl. data
Dean, G.
Does Astrology Need to be True? Part 1: A Look at the Real Thing
Skeptical Inquirer, 11, 166 1987
Kollerstrom, N.
A lunar sidereal rhythm in crop yield and its phasing in the zodiacal circle
Correlation, 1, 44-53 (1981)
Bibl. data
Abell, G.O
Review of Dean's 'Recent Advances'
Zetetic Scholar, April (1979)
Abell, G.O.
Review of Liebr's The Lunar Effect
Skeptical Inquirer, Spring (1979)
Mather, A.C.M.
Response to Abell's review of 'Recent Advances'
Zetetic Scholar, April (1979)
Meeus, J.
Planets, sunspots and earthquakes
Mercury, 72-74 (1979)
Mörth, H.T. & Schlamminger, L.
Planetary motion, sunspots and climate
in: McCormack & Seliga: Solar-Terrestial Influences on Weather and Climate, Holland: Riedel (1979)
Truzzi, M.
Astrology: A Reviw symposium
Zetetic Scholar, April (1979)
Best, S.
Lunar influence in plant growth: A review of the evidence
Phenomena, May (1978)
Culver, R., Ianna, P.
Astronomy Quarterly, 1, 147 1977
Culver, R., Ianna, P.
Astronomy Quarterly, 1, 85 1977
Hughes, D.W.
Planetary alignments don't cause earthquakes
Nature, 265, 13 (1977)
List, M.
Wallenstein's horoscope
Vistas in Astron., 18, 449pp (1975)
Simon, G.
Kepler's astrology: The Direction of a Reform
Vistas in Astron., 18, 459pp (1975)
Clark, V.
An investigation of the validity and reliability of the astrological technique
Aquarian Agent, Autumn (1970)
Bibl. data
Brier, G.W. & Bradley, D.A.
The Lunar synodical period and precipitation in the United States
J. of the Atmospheric Scs., 21, 386-395 (1964)
Adderley, E.E. & Bowen, E.G.
Lunar component in precipitation data
Science, 137, 749-750 (1962)
Bradley, D.A., Woodbury, M.A. & Brier, G.W.
Lunar synodical period and widespread precipitation
Science, 137, 748-749 (1962)
Wing, L.W.
The effect of lattitude on cycles
Annals of the NY Acad. of Sc., 98, 1202-1205 (1962)
Bibl. data
Brown, F.A. & Terracini, E.D.
Living clocks
Science, 130, 1534-1544 (1959)
Tomaschek, R.
Great earthquakes and the astronomical position of Uranus
Nature, 184, 177-178 (1959)