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Bibl. data


Wilkinson, Greg, Marco Piccinelli, Stephen Roberts, Rocco Micciolo and John Frey

Lunar Cycle and Consultations for Anxiety and Depression in General Practice

International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 43(1): 29-32 (1997)

Usadi MM,

Anatomy and astrology in the medical tradition: the search for order.

Pharos 57(3), 13-18 (1994)

Rogers FB,

Rising stars: Carl G. Jung and astrology.

Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 13(2), 167-171 (1991)

Hughes S,

Nephrology and astrology--is there a link?

Br J Clin Pract 44(7), 279 (1990)



Bibl. data


Charette LR,

Re: "Back talk" astrological communique

J Can Dent Assoc 55(2), 107 (1989)

Brouillette JN,

Astrology and the PRO

J Fla Med Assoc 75(7), 419 (1988)

Pugh JF,

Astrological counseling in contemporary India.

Cult Med Psychiatry 7(3), 279-299 (1983)

Lester D,

Astrologers and psychics as therapists.

Am J Psychother 36(1), 56-66 (1982)

Perinbanayagam RS,

Self, other, and astrology: esoteric therapy in Sri Lanka.

Psychiatry 44(1), 69-79 (1981)

Zimmermann F,

Medical aspects of the Yavanajataka (Sanskrit astrology)

Sudhoffs Arch Z Wissenschaftsgesch 65(3), 299-305 (1981)



Bibl. data


Abell, G.O. & Greenspan, B.

Human births and the phase of the moon

New Engl. J. of Med. 300, 96 (1979)

Bazala V,

Astrologic diagnosis and prognosis

Neue Munch Beitr Gesch Med Naturwiss Medizinhist Reihe 7-8, 177-184 (1978)

Buck, C. & Simpson, H.

Season of birth among the sibs of schizophrenics

British J. of Psychiatry, 132, 358-360 (1978)

Campbell, D.E. & Beets, J.L.

Lunacy and the moon

Psychological Bulletin, 85, 1123-1129 (1978)

Hare, E.H.

Variations in the seasonal distribution of births of psychotic patients in England and Wales

British J. of Psyciatry, 132, 155-158 (1978)

Hare EH,

Medical astrology and its relation to modern psychiatry.

Proc R Soc Med 70(2), 105-110 (1977)

Michelson, L., Wood, R., Wilson, J., Silverstein, L. & Piland, J.

The astrophysical diagnosis of respiratory distress syndrome

CAO Times, 3 (1), 21-23 and 3 (2), 9-13 (1977)

Shaffer, J.W. & Nurco, D.N. & Bonito, A.J.

Is there a relationship between astrology and addiction? A reexamination

Drug-Forum, 6, 137-141 (1977)

Hare, E.H.

The season of birth of siblings af psychiatic patients

British J. of Psychiatry, 129, 49-54 (1976)

Kamimura, K.

Epidemiology of twin births from a climatic point of view

Brit. J. of Prev. and Soc. Med., 30, 175-179 (1976)

McNeil, T., Kaij, L., & Dzierzykray-Rogalska, M.

Season of birth among siblings of schizophrenics

Acya Psychiatrica Scand., 54, 267-274 (1976)

Parker, G. & Nielson, M.

Mental disorder and season of birth: A southern hemisphere study

British J. of Psychiatry, 129, 355-361 (1976)

Rothen, A.

A 24-hour periodicity in the course of immunologic reactions carried out at a liquid-solid interface due to possible extra-terrestial influences

J. Of Interdisc. Cycle Research, 7, 173-182 (1976)

Dost FH,

Parapsychology and astrology

Med Welt 26(39), 1795-1796 (1975)

Hare, E.H.

Manic-depressive psychosis and season of birth

Acta Psychiatrica Scand., 52, 69-79 (1975)

Hare, E.H., Price, J.S. & Slater, E.

Mental disorder and season of birth

British J. of Psychiatry, 124, 81-86 (1974)

Newmeyer, J.A. & Anderson, S.

Astrology and addiction: An empirical probe

Drug Forum, 2, 271-278 (1973)

Lieber, A.L. & Sherin, C.R.

Homicides and the lunar cycle: Toward a theory of lunar influence on human emotional disturbance

Am. J. of Psychiatry, 129, 69-74 (1972)

Selvin, S. & Janerich, D.T.

Seasonal variations in twin birth

Nature, 237, 289-290 (1972)



Bibl. data


Allan, T.M.

Lung cancer and month of birth

Lancet, i, 439-440 (1964)

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Month of birth and schizophrenia

Acta Psychiatria Scand., 203, 55-60 (1968)

Noltring, W.J.J. de Sauvage

Seasonal variations in birth rates of cancer-patients

Int. J. of Biometeorology, 12, 293-295 (1968)

Osborn, R.D.

The moon and the mental hospital: An investigation of one area of folk-lore

J. of Psychitric Nursing, 6, 88-93 (1968)

Bailar, J.C. & Gurian, J.M.

Month of birth and cancer mortality

J. of the Nat. Cancer Inst., 33, 237-242 (1964)

Barry, H. & Barry, H.

Season of birth in schizophrenics

Arch. of Gen. Psychiatry, 11, 385-391 (1964)

Davies, J.M.

Lung cancer and month of birth

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Friedman, H., Becker, R.O. & Bachman, C.H.

Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions

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Season of birth

Arch. of Gen. Psychiatry, 5. 292-300 (1961)

Andrews, E.J.

Moon talk: The cyclic periodicity of postoperative heamorrhage

J.of the Florida Med. Ass. 46, 1362-1366 (1960)



Bibl. data


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Lunar periodocity in human reproduction: A likely unit of biological time

Am. J. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 77, 905-914 (1959)

Knobloch, H. & Pasamanick, B.

Seasonal variation in the births of the mentally deficient

Am. J. of Public Health, 48, 1201-1208 (1958)



Bibl. data


Gunn, D.L. & Jenkins, P.M.

Lunar periodicity in homo sapiens

Nature, 139, 84 (1937)

Düll, T. & Düll, B.

Über die Abhängigkeit des Gesundheitszustandes von plötzligen Eruptionen auf der Sonne und die Existenz einer 27-tägigen Periode in den Sterbfallen

Virschow Archiv, 292, 272-319 (1934)



Bibl. data


Tramer, M.

Über die biologische Bedeutung des Geburtsmonates, inbesondere für die Psychose-erkrankung

Schw. Arch. f. Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 24, 17-24 (1929)


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